Gas Station Websites
Why do gas station's need website's? Because their hilarliously awful!*

Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Dave's Standard

The site that started this blog. This one has it all: bad backgrounds, bad grammar, nonsense.

Just ask Dave if you have any questions at all, or anybody else that is working at that time.

We also have a 5/5/5 deal on movies with the yellow dots.

For more fun, check out the website for Fertile, MN that Dave's website is part of.


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*I never thought I had to do this, but I guess I gave some of my readers too much credit. The four (yes, there are four, not one or two like most of the grammar "experts" point out) errors in the tagline are indeed intentional. It's called irony. Thank you. (For those of you that got it, congratulations.)