Gas Station Websites
Why do gas station's need website's? Because their hilarliously awful!*

Friday, January 07, 2005
Luke's Mobil

This one only has a single page, but what a page! It's been able to combine some staples of GSW: blinking animated graphics, pictures of the staff (with captions!), bizarre punctuation, and a terrible background.

Paul Cole,Mechanic and woman's man

Jon Chesbrough aka cheeseburg

Ray Rust, tow driver and fellow diet dew drinker, and comedienne

Is Ray the Buick?

Tim Atkins, office,gas jockey and the guy who made this

We finally have a picture of the author of one of these sites.


The filename for the T-REX photo is trex22222.jpg. I would like to see the other 22,221 pictures they have of T_REX.

There's only one entry in the Guestbook, but it's from Big Daddy.

There's a Dancing Homer thrown in for good measure at the bottom too.


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*I never thought I had to do this, but I guess I gave some of my readers too much credit. The four (yes, there are four, not one or two like most of the grammar "experts" point out) errors in the tagline are indeed intentional. It's called irony. Thank you. (For those of you that got it, congratulations.)